
Consumption Apple During A Period Of/To Pregnancy Protect Baby Of Asthma

( Friday, 13 April 2007 - innovated Last ( Friday, 13 April 2007) New York--Rol-- New Research indicate that pregnant mother which consume apple during a period of/to its pregnancy can protect its baby from asthmatic and similar symptom.

In research, .all researcher of Dutch and of Skotlandia, led by S.M. Willers of University of Utrecht trace food almost 2 thousand pregnant woman and check health of lung of their 1.253 child people.

.At age 5 year, .about/around 162 child ( 12.9 .gratuity/ %) suffering exhalation trouble in the last few years and 145 child ( 11,6 .gratuity/ %) have been ascertained asthmatic by doctor.

Among various food type eaten by .all pregnant mother, only apple consumption showing consistent related/relevant with apparition of exhalation trouble and asthma .at childhood, according to that team report which published .by .in journal health of Thorax. That , new invention, word of Willers and friends.

.All researcher find that children which , its mother consume more than four apple each;every natural week of degradation of risk of ganggguan exhalation .about/around 37 .gratuity/ % and degradation of asthmatic risk 53 .gratuity/ %, compared to .all pregnant mother which .do not consume one, or .do not a even also, apple each;every its week during a period of/to pregnancy.

.Relation/Link which is specific to be found at apple, and non is full scale .of consumed fruit or orange, fruit juice or vegetable consumption, which its influence much more small if/when compared to specific impact .of apple, according to researcher, that possible because of content of phytokimia apple, like flavonoid, giving positive impact to lung function adult.

That research also menunjukan that consuming fish during a period of/to pregnancy can lessen allergic risk .of husk of eksema. Children of mother which consuming fish once in one week or more during a period of/to pregnancy have risk suffer lower eksema 43 .gratuity/ % compared to children which , its mother avoid to eat fish.

: " If this result have confirmation," word .all investigator, " recommendation concerning change of food during a period of/to pregnancy possible assist to protect children of allergy and asthma."

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